• CCS Oilcoolers b.v.

Welcome to CCS Oil Coolers

Official AKG DealerAs an official dealer of AKG, CCS Oil Coolers offers a wide range of standard coolers for air-cooled oil coolers, air to air coolers and water/glycol coolers. These coolers are characterized by extremely reliable product quality on one hand, and competitive prices on the other hand.

Are you looking for a suitable cooler for your application? CCS Oil Coolers would like to help you with that. Because of years of experience, we are able to find a suitable solution for your cooling problem.

If you have not be able to find the desired cooler despite our wide range of standard coolers? CCS Oilcoolers will be .. finding a suitable solution through Thermal Solutions. Hereby we will take care for a solution for your cooling problem, and the cooler will be completely assembled to your wishes.

We design oil coolers, air coolers, and combined coolers for the agriculture, offshore, indrustry and Atex enviroment.

Air cooling is used for the most coolers. These coolers are then equipped with a fan which is driven by a motor. A number of variants can be found here, such as 12 / 24v, 400v or hydromotor.

Special combi coolers are available for compressors, which are extremely suitable for cooling air in combination with oil. If only air cooling is desired, there is also a possibility.

Another possibility is the use of a plate heat exchanger. Among other things, These can be used for heating, cooling, even evaporating or condensing liquids.

Since a few years CCS Oil Coolers has been equipped with combi coolers suitable for big fuel engines up to 500kW (Engine Line). This cooler consists of a combination of a water and oil cooler, possibly supplemented with an intercooler. All fitted in one cooling package.